
Geo Bogza


Printre ceilalţi copaci liniştiţi, el părea aproape nebun
Multiplu se ridica din pămînt cu zeci de braţe
Pe care exaltat le flutura în vînt.

Însufleţit era - şi străbătut de atîtea fluide
Încît privirilor noastre păru un frenetic dirijor
Conducînd, plin de pasiune, Simfonia glacială a Eterului.

Încoruptibilă dimineaţă de iarnă cu cerul senin
Cînd tot universul cînta, ca o orgă de cristal
Sunetul fiindu-i atunci rostul unic, esenţial.

Sub multele ramuri, fremătătoare, patetice
Totul fu muzică: întinderea lumii şi durata ei
Păduri, milenii şi ere, o, cum le-am auzit!

Arătînd stelelor drumul, iar vremii cadenţa secundelor
El purta prin noi, copleşitoare imensitate,
Tălăzuirea sonoră a clipei spre Eternitate.


Among the other silent trees, he seemed nearly mad
Multiple he was rising from the ground with tens of arms
That enthusiastically he was waving in the wind.

Lively he was - and crossed by so many fluids
That he seemed a phrenetic conductor to our eyes,
Conducting, full of passion, the Glacial Symphony of  Ether.

Incorruptible winter morning with serene sky
When the whole universe was singing, like a crystal organ,
The sound being then the unique meaning, essential.

Under the many branches, rustling, pathetic
Everything was music: the the surface of the world and its lasting,
Forests, oceans, millenia and eras, oh, how we were hearing them!

Pointing the road to the stars, and the cadence of the seconds
He was carrying trough us, overwhelming immensity,
The sonorous waving of the moment towards Eternity.

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