
Octavian Paler


Aşa se întîmplă logic,
plecăm şi sosim undeva.
Plecăm pentru o clipă, pentru un ceas, pentru o viaţă,
poate nu trebuia să plecăm, dar problema nu-i asta,
ci faptul că sosim undeva, poate nu sosim la timp, nu sosim unde trebuie,
nu sosim unde-am vrut,
dar sosim undeva şi cîtă vreme sosim undeva,
totul e logic,
chiar dacă logica şi fericirea sunt lucruri total diferite,
totuşi am plecat şi am sosit undeva,
am greşit drumul, dar am sosit undeva,
dar cînd nu mai sosim nicăieri
totul devine ilogic. Spre ce ne ducem
dacă nu sosim nicăieri?


So it is logical,
we leave and arrive somewhere.
We leave for a moment, for an hour, for a life,
maybe we had not to leave, but the problem is not this,
but the fact that we arrive somewhere, maybe we are late, we do not arrive where we are needed,
we do not arrive where we want,
but we arrive somewhere, and as long as we arrive somewhere,
all is logical,
even if the logic and the hapiness are totally different things,
yet we have left and arrived somewhere,
we missed the way, but we have arrived somewhere,
but when we arrive nowhere
all becomes illogical.What we go to
if we arrive nowhere?

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