
Ion Pillat


Dormi, dormi, să te-adorm ţi-am adus
Fluturii, frunzele, florile
Şi norii tiviţi de apus
Ce zboară pe sus,
Serile, stelele, zorile,
Să dormi ţi-am adus,
Ţi-am adus.
Dormi, dormi, să adormi ţi-am şoptit
Grîul, pîrîul şi rîul
Şi moara cu glas adumbrit
De vînt potolit,
Grangurii, graurii, greierii,
Să dormi ţi-au şoptit,
Ţi-au şoptit.
Dormi, dormi, să adormi ţi-au atins
Umărul umbrele, undele...
Sărutul lor ochii ţi-a stins,
Pe pernă au nins
Visele, vrerile, verile...
Şi somnul te-a prins,
Mi te-a prins.


Sleep, sleep, to put you to sleep I have brought
The butterflies, the leaves, the flowers
And the flying clouds fringed by the sunset,
The evenings, the stars, the dawn,
To put you to sleep I have brought,
I have brought.
Sleep, sleep, to put you to sleep have whispered
The wheat, the brook, the river
And the mill with shadowed voice
Of quiet wind,
The starlings, the crickets,
To put you to sleep they have whispered,
They have whispered.
Sleep, sleep, to put you to sleep have touched
Your shoulder the shadows, the waves...
Their kiss has closed your eyes,
On the pillow have snowed
The dreams, the wills, the summers...
And the sleep has caught you,
Has caught you.

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