atîtea lumi, cît numai creatorul,
cercînd azurul tainic cu piciorul,
în ziua cea dintîi închipuia.
că-s rude cu metalul care-nşală,
cu vremea strălucirea lor se spală,
dar, dacă-s bune, sunetul e viu.
cînd mici, cînd mătăsoase ; drept unelte,
doar ritmul şi cu rima, ci nimic
nu-mi place ; a doua zi, ce-i gata stric.
c-am să-mi durez atuncea mănăstire
în veacuri, cînd te-oi pune şi pe tine
la temelia versului : iubire.
so many worlds, as only the creator,
secretly trying the blue with his foot,
in the first day have imagined.
that they are relatives with the deceiving metal,
in time their shining fades,
but, if they are good, their sound is alive.
I choose the words with toil :sometimes high,
sometimes small or silky ; as toolsonly the rhythm and rhyme, but nothing
satisfy me, the next day, what's ready I destroy.
Just as Manole, I feel well,
that I shall build a monasteryover ages, when I shall put you too
at the foundation of my verse : love.
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