
Ion Vinea


A nu mai fi : Ispita milostiva
abis de somn in care-aluneci lin
pe valul fara freamat al tacerii.
De toti uitat, de tine deopotriva
s-alungi nadejdea, sa-ti platesti strajerii
cu banul sters al renuntarii. Cale
ce taie tarcul step al sortii tale
de vis si-aievea, desfatari si chin,
si duce-n golul orb al lumii pale,
prin vamile de scrum ale vegherii,
neant solicitat intr-un suspin
destainuit ca soapta unui crin.


To be nomore : merciful temptation
abyss of sleep where you are smoothly sliding
on the rustlingless wave of the silence.
Forgotten by everybody, forgotten even by you,
banish the hope, pay your watchmen
with the faded coin of resignation. Way
that crosses the fruitless pen of your fate,
of dream and real, delights and pain,
and carry in the blind hole of the pale world,
through the ashes customs of the vigil,
nothingness claimed in a sigh
disclosed as the whisper of a lily.

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