
A. E. Baconsky


Iubirilor necunoscute, marea
le risipeşte şi le-alină dorul.
O, gînduri urmărite pe-ntuneric,
gînduri pierdute prin nemîngîiatul
meu labirint, de mult nu vă mai caut...
Ploile-au lins oglinzile, şi-al toamnei
brocart a-nvăluit superbe nuduri
îmbrăţişate-n amintiri şi-n taină.
Şi marea scoate dizolvînd la ţărm
chipuri şi nume...


For the unknown loves, the sea
scatters and comforts my yearning.
Oh, thoughts, followed in darkness,
thoughts lost in my uncomforted
maze, no longer I am looking for you...
The rains have licked the mirrors, and the autumn
brocade has wrapped the superb nudes
embraced in secret in my memories .
And the sea is taking out on the shore dissolving them
faces and names...

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