
Emil Botta


Necunoscută clipă ce treci
prin valea delicatului Prier,
îngerilor nu eşti necunoscută ;
se vorbeşte de tine în cer !
Eşti tu, preacurata, clipa aceea
care-mi luci ca o stea orbitoare.
De ce, cînd sufletul meu te-a cuprins,
o, de ce te-ai stins
tu, clipa aceea ?
Dar îngerul care veghea
sub al nopţilor sublim policandru,
acel copilandru ce ne urma
în peregrinările noastre,
Tu, clipa aceea ! striga,
Tu, clipa aceea ! striga către astre.
Şi mereu te cheamă, să ştii,
ale copilandrilor-îngeri trompete argintii.


Unknown moment that pass
across the valley of the delicate April,
to the angels you are not unknown ;
it is spiking of you in heaven !
It is you, the purest, that moment
that shined to me like a blinding star.
Why, when my soul embraced you,
oh, why did you estinguish
you, that moment ?
But the angel who was watching
under the sublime candelabrum of the nights,
that child who was following us
in our wanderings,
You, that moment ! he was shouting,
You, that moment ! he was shouting to the stars.
And continuously are calling you
the silver trumpets of the child-angels.

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