Voi numere-n delir, scrumite grupuri,
cum pot să vă slăvesc ? Iubire, tu -
fii vîntul roşu ce-a bătut prin trupuri
şi, timp de-o clipă,-n carnea lor făcu
să ardă-ntregul : cel ce ca un umăr
de zeu luceşte, care nu e nici
absenţa numărului, dar nici număr!
Învaţă-mă cum să hrănesc aici
o pasăre ce n-are timp să zboare
căci piere - pui - în propriul ei ou,
o boare ce respiră-n altă boare,
un cîntec care nu-i decît ecou ;
şi, mai ales, aceste vagi răsfrîngeri
într-o oglindă spartă, ca şi cum
oceanul ar scuipa pe ţărmuri îngeri
exact în patu-n care noi zăcum.
Al cui nisip suntem ? Cel ce nu poate
să numere ( de-a pururea fiind
doar Unu ) vai ! e numărat în toate
fragmentele - ce-l neagă putrezind...
You, numbers in delirium, ashed clusters,
how do I worship you ? Love, you -
be the red wind that has blown in the bodies
and for a moment, in their flesh made
burn the whole : who like a shoulder
of a god is shining, who is neither
the absence of a number, nor a number !
Teach me how to feed here
a bird who did not have time to fly
because she die - a chiken - in her own egg,
a breath who is breathing into another breath,
a song who is but an echo ;
and, especially, these vague reflections
in a broken mirror, as
the ocean would spit on its shores angels
exactly in the bed where we have lied.
Whose sand are we ? That who can not
caunt ( forever being
only One ) oh ! he is counted in all
the fragments - which denies him rotting...
You, numbers in delirium, ashed clusters,
how do I worship you ? Love, you -
be the red wind that has blown in the bodies
and for a moment, in their flesh made
burn the whole : who like a shoulder
of a god is shining, who is neither
the absence of a number, nor a number !
Teach me how to feed here
a bird who did not have time to fly
because she die - a chiken - in her own egg,
a breath who is breathing into another breath,
a song who is but an echo ;
and, especially, these vague reflections
in a broken mirror, as
the ocean would spit on its shores angels
exactly in the bed where we have lied.
Whose sand are we ? That who can not
caunt ( forever being
only One ) oh ! he is counted in all
the fragments - which denies him rotting...
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