Vreau să-mi fac o casă
Cît mai departe de locurile
Pe care le cunosc.
Cît mai departe de muntele
Din care ies veveriţe dimineaţa
Ca apostolii dintr-un ceas
Naiv din cale-afară.
Să nu fie nici pe ţărmul
Acelei oboseli albe
De unde aş putea să văd prin fiecare fereastră
Cîte un solz smălţuit.
Cunosc şi toate tertipurile
Ce mai poţi aştepta de la ea
Cînd dă drumul noaptea la iarbă şi la grîu
Să-ţi crească prin coaste, prin tîmple ?
M-aş plictisi oriunde atît de tare,
Încît n-aş putea să-mi pun pe pereţi
Uşa mi s-ar părea prea cunoscută
Şi mi-ar veni să plec.
De-aş putea să-mi ridic o casă
Cît de departe
De mine !
I want to build a house
As far as from the places
I just know.
As far as from the mountain
From which the squirrels get out in the morning
Like the apostles from
An extremely naive clock.
Neither be on the shore
Of that white tiredness
From which I should see through every window
Some enamel scale.
I know all the tricks
Of the plain too,
What can you expect from her,
When at night she let the grass and the grain
Grow through your ribs, through your temples ?
I'd be so bored anywhere so hard
That I couldn't put on my walls
Any paintings,
The door would seem to me so much known
That I'd feel like going.
If only I could build my house
As far as
From me !
I want to build a house
As far as from the places
I just know.
As far as from the mountain
From which the squirrels get out in the morning
Like the apostles from
An extremely naive clock.
Neither be on the shore
Of that white tiredness
From which I should see through every window
Some enamel scale.
I know all the tricks
Of the plain too,
What can you expect from her,
When at night she let the grass and the grain
Grow through your ribs, through your temples ?
I'd be so bored anywhere so hard
That I couldn't put on my walls
Any paintings,
The door would seem to me so much known
That I'd feel like going.
If only I could build my house
As far as
From me !